In 2023-24, the Foundation funded a pilot project to support SBHS’s efforts to address teen mental wellness. For a year, the trained ASB teacher worked to make sure that every student on campus is “connected to something and connected to someone.” If your student is struggling to find their place, please email lwoosterdorfman@sbunified.org.
Outdoor Picnic Tables throughout Campus
With more students staying on campus for lunch, we need more places for them to sit. We have purchased 20 heavy-duty metal picnic tables that will be located in shaded areas around campus. Bon appetit!

Audiovisual Equipment for our Theater
Our school auditorium is the largest indoor gathering space for students. We use this facility throughout the year for assemblies, parent information nights, class presentations and a wide variety of other school needs. The audiovisual equipment needed for these general, all-purpose school needs is obsolete — $61,000 will pay for upgraded lights, sound system and cameras to make our auditorium highly functional again.
Wellness Work
Beginning in 2020, the Foundation began partnering with SBHS to address teen mental health and wellbeing. For two years, the Foundation paid for an additional mental health counselor on campus. In 2022-23, we pivoted our efforts and paid to have the campus drop-in Wellness Center open during all school hours. A trained Intervention Specialist staffs the center and helps students get what they need, from a quiet moment in the tranquil center to a referral to a mental health counselor. Starting in 2023, school LCAP funds will pay for this important program.
College & Career Center
For more than a decade, annual donations paid for a credentialed counselor to staff our College & Career Center. Santa Barbara High School was the only school to have this professional level counselor work with students to learn about various colleges, apply to school, seek work permits, coordinate volunteer opportunities, and help with scholarship applications. Beginning in 2020, the Santa Barbara Unified School District began paying for this invaluable position — and not just at SBHS, but at all three local high schools.
#SBHSStrong began in the aftermath of the 2017 Thomas Fires and subsequent debris flow. The Foundation distributed $100,000 in aid to families in need. When the pandemic began in March of 2020, the Foundation reignited our efforts and raised and distributed more than $190,000 to SBHS families affected by COVID-19. Today, #SBHSStrong continues to pay for a myriad of needs for our lowest-income students and families, allowing us to help with food, rent, health care and funeral expenses, or whatever they need. This critical fund helps make sure our most vulnerable students can stay in school and on track.
Teacher Support & Solarium Furnishing
The Foundation supports teachers in many ways. During summers, we often pay stipends for teachers to work in their Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). This critical work ensures that teachers continue to learn best practices, share expertise, and remain engaged with student learning. After the pandemic, the Foundation also paid to furnish the “Solarium,” an outdoor space for teachers to gather, have lunch together, and meet as needed.
Commencement Brochures
Since 2015, the Foundation has paid to design and print the SBHS Commencement Brochure to congratulate the newest graduates. View the 2023 Commencement Brochure here.

Here are our Core Values in deciding how to do the greatest good for the greatest number of students:
- We recognize the critical importance of teachers, staff, school administrators, coaches, and our entire school community in supporting students during their high school years. We respect our staff as experts in their field.
- We work as a trusted partner with SBHS and align ourselves with the school’s vital interests.
- We continuously evaluate what we do so that we can act quickly and efficiently in the interest of our school.
- Initiatives that we fund, if ongoing and successful, will be recognized and fully implemented by SBUSD.
The Foundation for Santa Barbara High School is a 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Nonprofit, Tax ID#: 26-0312564 making your generous contributions tax deductible. For more information about any of these projects please call us at 805-966-9101 X5225 or email katie@foundationforsbhs.org.